PeH condemns confiscation of Kashmiri people properties


*PeH condemns confiscation of Kashmiri people properties*

Muzaffarabad: Pasban-e-Hurriyat Jammu Kashmir strongly condemned the confiscation of the properties of the well-known Kashmiri Hurriyat Almas Rizwan Khan by the Indian authorities in occupied Jammu and Kashmir and declared it as the worst example of state repression.

In a statement issued here on Friday, Chairman Pasban-e-Hurriyat Uzair Ahmed Ghazali has said that the Indian government is continuously violating international laws by seizing the lands, properties and assets of citizens in the disputed state.

He termed the Indian government confiscation of Almas Rizwan Khan’s land in Lulab area of ​​Kupwara district by “SIU” as a criminal act and said that the puppet state administration of Bharatiya Janata Party is openly violating international laws by seizing the properties of  Kashmiri people.

He said that the Indian government is taking worst actions to end the freedom spirit among the people of Jammu and Kashmir and to weaken the resistance movement.

Chairman Pasban-e-Hurriyat also paid tribute to the courage and bravery of the Kashmiri people and said that the struggle will be continued until the right of self-determination is achieved.

Ghazali demanded the international human rights organizations to immediately stop the illegal activities of Indian government in the disputed state.

“The United Nations should stop India’s illegal activities in the disputed state as the issue of Kashmir is yet to be decided through Plebiscite as passed by the UNSC and Kashmiri people resistance is legitimate for the implementation of UN resolutions”, he added.


Daily Independent

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