The Governor Balochistan, Malik Abdul Wali Khan Kakar has stated that a very least people would know that there has been an important role of the Governor House in keeping the environment clean and ending the pollution for around 150 years.


QUETTA: The Governor Balochistan, Malik Abdul Wali Khan Kakar has stated that a very least people would know that there has been an important role of the Governor House in keeping the environment clean and ending the pollution for around 150 years.
Referring the serene and beautiful environment of the Governor House Quetta on eve of the World Environment Day on Monday, the Governor Balochistan said that a very appropriate arrangement is present for feeding and breeding of the birds besides taking constant concrete measures for watering hundreds of the trees and saplings during such a long period.
And obviously in this good deed, invaluable services and conscious efforts of the former and incumbent Governors, officers and staff of the Governor House are included.
The Governor remarked that climate changes are threat for the world globe and matter of great concern for all the human begins and other creatures, he maintained.
Therefore, the Governor stressed, there is an urgent need to adopt measures on emergent basis for improving the current situation.
He also underlined the need to inspire the people towards tree plantation and make organized efforts for forestation.
Malik Abdul Wali Kakar said that as all knows that United Nations has declared the decade of 2020-2030 as the decade of rehabilitation of the ecosystem, this is why we should also contribute it in by arranging maximum programmes and ensuring maximum participation of the people in them to highlight importance of the clean and healthy environment.
He noted with pleasure that Pakistan’s performance and contribution is being acclaimed at the international level for improving the environment particularly regarding the large-scaled tree plantation in the country.
In this regard, there’s a need to recognize and appreciate the excellent performance of all the public and private institutions working in the country and province, adding he stressed.

Daily Independent

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