President Azad Kashmir Barrister Sultan Mahmood Chaudhry has said that the Kashmiri community settled in the UK

Muzaffarabad(PID AJK)28 October 2024
President Azad Kashmir Barrister Sultan Mahmood Chaudhry has said that the Kashmiri community settled in the UK must redouble their efforts to promote Kashmir cause at the international level.He expressed these views during a meeting with former member House of Lords, Lord Nazir Ahmed, who called on him here today.Speaking on the occasion, Barrister Chaudhry said that the political and human rights situation in the Indian held territory had further deteriorated since the Indian government abrogated article 370 and 35A which granted special status to the held territory.India, he said, was hell bent on changing the region’s demographic character. “The occupation authorities in Kashmir, he added, have issued thousands of fake domicile certificates to non Kashmiris”, the president said, adding that settlement of outsiders in the valley and other parts of the disputed territory was a deep rooted conspiracy to convert the Muslim majority into a minority. Referring to the continued bloodshed in the region, the AJK president said that Kashmiris were being ruthlessly martyred by the bloodthirsty Indian army day in day out.” Kashmiris settled in different parts of the globe should redouble their efforts to seek a just and peaceful settlement of the Kashmir dispute”, he remarked. He said that improvement in the political and human rights situation in the region was inescapably linked to the settlement of the lingering dispute in line with the UNSC resolutions. He said that it was high time that the Kashmiri expatriates should stand up against Indian brutalities in Occupied Kashmir. ” At this crucial point of time, Kashmiris living in the UK must take a bold stance and play their much needed role for the resolution of the Kashmir issue by raising the plight of Kashmiris at all relevant forums within the UK and other European countries”, Barrister Chaudhry said. The president also appreciated the expatriate community’s role in highlighting the issue of Kashmir at international forums. Barrister Sultan Mehmood Chaudhry said that it was quite unfortunate that Kashmir hangs on despite the passage of 77 years.He said that it was high time that the international community, particularly the United Nations, must discharge it’s legal and moral responsibility and take effective measures to resolve the lingering Kashmir dispute peacefully.

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