Thieves: The Unseen Pillars of the Economy.

By M.Ilyas

Peshawar – Thieves are considered the backbone of the nation’s economy. People may think this is a joke or that it might be wrong, but it is actually a topic worth considering. Because of thieves, we need safes, cabinets, and locks. This provides work to the companies that manufacture them. Due to thieves, houses have grills on windows, doors that remain locked, and even extra security doors outside. This creates jobs for many people. Because of thieves, there are compounds built around houses, shops, and communities. Gates are installed, with guards stationed 24/7, and uniforms are provided for the guards. Many people get employment through this. It’s not just CCTV cameras and metal detectors; because of thieves, there are also cyber cells. Thieves are the reason why we have police, police stations, patrol cars, batons, rifles, revolvers, and bullets. This creates jobs for many people. Because of thieves, there are courts, judges, lawyers, clerks, and bail bondsmen. So, a lot of people get employment. Due to thieves, jails need jailers and police officers, thus creating many job opportunities. When mobile phones, laptops, electronic devices, bicycles, and cars are stolen, people buy new ones. This buying and selling strengthen the country’s economy and provide work for many. If a thief becomes well-known and famous, the media, both local and international, also benefit from it. After reading this, you too will believe that thieves are indeed the backbone of the entire government system and a source of livelihood for many in society.

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