Quetta Protests Turn Violent: 4 Dead, 9 Injured

Quetta. Oct. 06
Independent Report
Protests in Chashma Achuzai area turned deadly when police opened fire on demonstrators, resulting in four fatalities and nine injuries, according to the district administration ¹. The injured were rushed to the Trauma Center of Civil Hospital Quetta.
The unrest began when the district administration’s encroachment team demolished homes in the Bilali area, sparking outrage among residents who claimed that the action violated their right to privacy and sanctity of their homes.
Protesters’ Demands:*
Immediate Resolution of Grievances_: Protesters demand that their concerns be addressed before they lift the blockade.
Justice for the Victims_: Demonstrators seek accountability for the lives lost and injuries sustained during the police firing.
Condemnation of Police Brutality_: Protesters denounced the police’s use of force, particularly against senior journalist Jamal Tarakai.
Key Developments:- Bilali Customs remains closed until protesters’ demands are met.
Protesters have blocked the airport, exacerbating tensions.
Demonstrators have placed the bodies of the deceased on Alamo Chowk in protest.
The situation remains volatile, with protesters refusing to back down until their demands are met.

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