.Jamaat-e-Islami has transformed into a pressure group from a political party: Naeem Mir

.Chairman Supreme Council Anjuman -e-Tajiran Mr. Naeem Mir stated that Jamaat-e- Islami has transformed into a pressure group from once being a recognised political party and suggested the party leadership from abandoning the politics of protests and closure of roads as the countries cannot be run with this approach. He passed these comments during a press conference at Lahore Press Club today.
“Is Jamaat-e-Islami protesting for decline in inflation to single digit or enhancing the forex reserves to $ 15 billion ? questioned Mr. Mir. “It seems that the Jamaat Islami is angered over government’s dealing with IMF as government succeeds to secure $7bn bailout package or it is unhappy over historic achievement in Stock exchange and 12% reduction in trade deficit” added Mr. Mir.
He stated that continual declivity in interest rate has imparted a ray of hope amongst the business community and the days of growing businesses are set to begin very soon. While highlighting some progressive steps of the federal and the Punjab government he added that the former has stabilised the rate of dollar whereas the latter has announced a relief of Rs. 14/unit in electricity tariff and federal government is comprehensively planning curtailment of electricity tariff. “All the economic indicators are depicting betterment and government has focused only and only towards the betterment of people but Jamaat-e- Islami is protesting in order to disturb the government’s endeavours for betterment of people” remarked Mr. Mir.
Mr. Naeem Mir called for the leadership of Jamaat-e-Islami to look into its political objectives and support the government in bringing the untaxed sector into tax net. He suggested the JI leadership for refraining from taking side with traders on the tax issues as the country cannot be run with aids; rather it has to be run with the taxes of its people. “I welcome Hafiz Naeem as a trader leader in traders community and suggest him for participating in the election of Karachi chamber” said Mr. Mir.
He suggested the JI leadership for putting forward its positive recommendations for the progress of people and country. He questioned the leadership of JI that why the outcome of its every protest is enhancement in electricity tariff ?” JI is also taking undue advantage of government’s lenient behaviour” said Mr. Mir.
He requested the government for removing all barriers from roads on 29th September and added that businesses would be run as per their schedule on 29th September. “Protection of citizen’s fundamental rights is basic responsibility of government and all the provincial governments must ensure an end to illegitimate protests of JI” urged Mr. Mir.
Central Media Cell
All Pakistan Anjuman Traders

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