Polio cases continue to rise in Balochistan as another case reported from Pishin district

Independent Report

QUETTA: The cases of polio continued to rise in Balochistan as another case of the crippling disease has been reported from Pishin district.
The Health Department sources informed that the polio virus was detected in a 30-month old boy child belonging to Pishin district the other day.
With the new case, number of polio cases has been increased to 15 in Balochistan and 22 in Pakistan. It may be mentioned here that it is the first polio case reported from Pishin this year.
Earlier, six cases of polio were reported from Killa Abdullah with two from Quetta district and one each from Dera Bugti, Chaman, Jhal Magsi, Zhob, Killa Saifullah and Kharan.
Three of the polio victim children also died this year.
Meanwhile, expressing deep concern over the rising numbers, the Prime Minister’s Focal Person for Polio Eradication, Ms. Ayesha Raza Farooq, emphasized the critical role parents play in safeguarding the health of their children.
“Each case represents a child whose life has been tragically and unnecessarily affected by polio. And the only solution is timely and repeated vaccination.
“Every new case is a tragic reminder that we have all failed our children. I urge all parents to take responsibility and ensure their children receive the polio vaccine to fight back against polio,” she said.
Balochistan remains a particularly challenging region due to factors such as seasonal migration, population movement within and across borders, vaccine hesitancy, and security issues.
Ms. Farooq stressed the need to strengthen vaccination efforts, particularly among mobile and migrant populations, and enhance the capacity of transit teams to reach all children, regardless of location.

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