Abdului Border Road Reopens After Successful Negotiations


Mand, Sept 17: After successful negotiations between district administration and residents of Abdului Tigran, facilitated by renowned tribal leader Mir Fida Hussain Rind, the Abdului border road has been reopened for traffic.

According to details, residents of Abdului, led by Chacha Muyar, had blocked the border road in protest against the removal of their vehicles from the “nubt list”. The road remained closed for hours.

Residents stated that their area is located barely a kilometer from the Iranian border and has family ties with those living across the border. They rely on cross-border trade for their livelihood.

Mir Fida Hussain Rind played a key role in mediating talks between Deputy Commissioner Kech Ismail Ibrahim and protest leaders, resolving the issue and reopening the vital border route

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