ANP Central Advisory Committee Meets in Peshawar, Unveils Key Resolutions

Peshawar, Sept. 17- The Awami National Party’s (ANP) Central Advisory Committee convened in Peshawar under the chairmanship of Central President Aimal Wali Khan.

The committee engaged in extensive discussions on the prevailing political landscape and various party matters. Following thorough deliberations, key resolutions were made.

The ANP resolved to:

– Support renaming Khyber Pakhtunkhwa to Pakhtunkhwa through constitutional amendment.
– Oppose extensions of constitutional officeholders’ tenures.
– Reject amendments infringing upon individual rights.
– Condemn proposals for trying political workers in military courts.
– Welcome the establishment of a Federal Constitutional Court.

Aimal Wali Khan emphasized, “ANP supports judicial reforms to ensure parliamentary supremacy and safeguard individual rights.”

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