Federation’s Unfair Treatment Causing More Problems, Says Awami National Party”


Awami National Party’s central spokesperson, Engineer Ihsanullah Khan, has stated that the unfair treatment of the federation is leading to more problems and difficulties. He criticized the federal government for trying to run the federation like a one-unit system instead of strengthening it.

Khan said that the smaller provinces are being severely neglected, and the federal government only remembers them when it needs to fulfill its political needs. He added that the resources and people of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan are being constantly ignored, and these provinces are not being given the importance they deserve at the federal level.

He demanded that the federal structure be strengthened, and smaller provinces be given their due rights. He also called for the federal government to ensure the complete implementation of provincial autonomy and avoid policies like one-unit, which can be disastrous for the country.

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