Zero out of schools children campaign launched:

Independent Report

QUETTA: The Chief Minister Balochistan, Mir Sarfraz Ahmed Bugti has reiterated his government’s resolve to make all closed schools functional and in this regard, gave task to the Secretary Education.
He said that he wants to see at least 90 percent schools functional in two months.
He asserted that we would make deductions in our public sector development programme (PSDP), but would make all the schools functional.
He announced that by the grace of Allah Almighty, we would open all the schools and would get all out of schools children admitted in the schools.
He said that we would provide whatever resources are required, but would want every child in the schools.
He said that he is ready to recruit even 10,000 teachers on contract and announced the minimum wage of Rs. 37,000 for the teachers.
The Chief Minister was addressing the zero out of schools children campaign and celebration of the international literacy week arranged by the Education Department here at the Sikandar Jamali Auditorium located in the Civil Secretariat on Thursday.
The Provincial Minister for Education, Ms. Raheela Hameed Durrani, other ministers, parliamentary secretaries, members of the assembly, Chief Secretary, Shakeel Qadir Khan, administrative secretaries of Education and other departments were present at the ceremony.
The Chief Minister said that he is delighted to be part of the zero out of schools campaign.
He said that it is his utmost endeavour to get all children admitted in schools.
He urged the non governmental organizations and other social welfare organizations to pay attention towards Balochistan.
He said that we have to move ahead instead of making criticism.
He pointed out that large number of children are also out of the schools because of the child labour.
While the delay in recruitments of teachers in Education Department and absenteeism of the teachers are also very important issues.
He regretfully pointed out that our teachers want that their posting is made in nearby their homes.
He said that we are preparing system for recruitments of the teachers at district level.
He said that all the teachers would be recruited on merit. Nor we would allow anyone sell jobs, adding he asserted.
He on the occasion vowed to end menace of cheating in examinations.
The Provincial Minister for Education and Chief Sectary also addressed the gathering and expressed deep concern over the increased number of out of schools children in the province and vowed to play their part to address the issue.
Meanwhile, Chief Minister and others also distributed schools bags among the children.

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