Advisor Mir Ali Hasan Zehri’s Education-Friendly Efforts Lauded by People of Hub District

Independent Report.

The people of Hub district have expressed satisfaction and appreciation for the education-friendly efforts of Mir Ali Hasan Zehri, Advisor to the President on Industry and Commerce for Balochistan.

During a meeting at the Leda Conference Hall, Zehri had issued directives to the district administration to resolve educational issues in the district. He had assured the principal of the Government Girls Degree College that he would make every effort to make the college an exemplary educational institution in the district.

As a result of Zehri’s efforts, the Hub Development Authority Chamber has installed a solar system, made permanent arrangements for water supply, and provided 1500 books and furniture for the college’s classes. Additionally, 1000 books have been provided to the college library to address the shortage of books.

The public circles of Hub district have praised Advisor Mir Ali Hasan Zehri’s efforts to promote education in the area. His initiatives have been welcomed by the people, who have expressed hope that these efforts will bring about a positive change in the education sector of the district.

Zehri’s commitment to education has been evident in his previous efforts as well, and the people of Hub district are optimistic that his continued support will lead to further improvements in the district’s educational infrastructure.

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