Tree Planting Only Solution to Global Warming: Secretary Forests

Independent Report.
Quetta:Sep Secretary Forests and Wildlife Dostain Khan Jamaldini said that the only solution to avoid the effects of global warming is to plant more trees and protect wildlife. He said that the current provincial government is working on a comprehensive plan to address the challenge of global warming. The Forest Department is utilizing all its resources to protect forests and wildlife. It is the responsibility of every individual in society to plant a tree in their name and contribute to its growth. The government’s tree planting campaign and its subsequent care is the responsibility of both the government and the public.

He expressed these views while inaugurating the Monsoon Tree Planting Campaign organized by the Forest Department, SOS Children’s Village Quetta, and Rotary Club Quetta. Secretary Forests planted a pine tree to launch the campaign. On this occasion, children from SOS Children’s Village Quetta also planted pine trees as part of the tree planting campaign. The children of SOS Children’s Village appealed to the citizens to plant more trees.

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