Mirpurkhas Residents Demand Notification of Divisional HQrs as Big City, Citing Disparities in House Rent Allowance”

*MIRPURKHAS* Sept. 04- The public of Mirpurkhas is urging the Government of Sindh (GoS) to notify the Divisional Headquarters of Mirpurkhas as a big city, effective from the due date. Despite being a significant urban center, Mirpurkhas remains unnotified, unlike other major cities such as Sukkur, Hyderabad, and Karachi. The non-notification of Mirpurkhas as a big city has resulted in difficulties and hardship for its residents. Provincial employees stationed in Mirpurkhas are currently receiving only 30% House Rent Allowance (HRA), whereas their counterparts in recognized big cities are entitled to 45% HRA. This disparity translates to a monthly loss of 15% for Mirpurkhas-based employees.
The people of Mirpurkhas are demanding that the GoS:

1. Notify the Divisional Headquarters of Mirpurkhas as a big city, effective from the due date.
2. Allow provincial employees stationed in Mirpurkhas to receive 45% HRA, bringing them on par with employees in other recognized big cities.
The notification of Mirpurkhas as a big city will not only address the disparities in HRA but also acknowledge the city’s significance and contributions to the province. The public is eagerly awaiting a response from the GoS to their legitimate demand.

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