Joint operation of sensitive agency and Belo Mirpur police


(By Tanveer Ahmed Soomro)
Joint operation of sensitive agency and Belo Mirpur police, raided the suspect truck, recovered marker blisters, gutka, tires and dry Iranian milk and other illegal goods, arrested three suspects, exported goods worth 40 million rupees. It is said that, According to the press conference of DSP Mirpur Mathelo Abdul Qadir Soomro, sensitive institutions and Belo Mirpur police stopped a suspicious truck and searched it during the blockade at the Al-Nisar petrol pump stop near Mirpur Mathelo. We raided a truck full of gutka and drug paraphernalia and seized goods worth Rs. 40 million
After recovering dry Iranian milk, six tires of trucks and other goods, three accused Bakht Muhammad, Izzat Khan and Nazir Ahmed have been arrested and a case has been registered, DSP Mirpur Mathelo Abdul Qadir Soomro said that the accused belong to Quetta. Gutka, betel nuts and non-customs paid dry milk and other goods were going from Quetta to Multan, a case has been registered against the accused and investigation has been started.

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