Two more kidnapped from Shikarpur

From Shikarpur

SHIKARPUR: Two more road passers were Kidnapped from Indus Highway road near Khanpur with their vehicle in the jurisdiction of Naparkot Police Station.
According to initial reports reached here that two persons identified as Ghulam Mustafa Brohi (Retired Teacher) and his friend Ghulam Qadir Rind residents of Qalat Baluchistan were riding on their vehicle Car from Qalat to Shikarpur and when they reached on Indus Highway road near Khanpur in the jurisdiction of Naparkot police station were Kidnapped by some group of armed men on gun point and the dacoits took them away forcibly with their car towards katcha area.
The heirs of Kidnapped persons had received a Ransom call by kidnappers while demanding of Rupees 20 million as to heir head money.
The last location Mobile Phones of Kidnapped persons was traced in the katcha area of Kot Shahoo.
The relatives and heirs of Kidnapped persons have demanded of Government of Sindh including DIG Larkana and SSP Shikarpur for their early safe recovery from the clutches of the kidnappers.

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