Federal Minister for Interior Mohsin Naqvi’s Message on Youm-e-Istehsal

Islamabad, August 5, 2024: Federal Minister for Interior Mohsin Naqvi in his message on Youm-e-Istehsal said that August 5 is the darkest day in the history of Indian Illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir. He strongly condemned the India’s illegal and unilateral actions on August 5, 2019 which changed the status of Kashmir. He said that August 5, not only exposed India’s true face to the world but also the unabated atrocities committed against the Kashmiris became apparent to everyone. He paid rich tribute to the struggle and sacrifices of the Kashmiri people.

Interior Minister emphasized that India’s actions are crime against humanity and a conspiracy to erase the identity of the Kashmiri nation. He expressed grave concern that Kashmiri youth is being martyred on daily basis in fake encounters and so-called search operations, while Kashmiri leadership is behind the bars. He highlighted that Occupied Kashmir has become the world’s largest prison, but India’s atrocities cannot weaken the Kashmiris’ desire for freedom.

Interior Minister stressed upon the international community that the crisis in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir is a lamentation of the global community’s insensitivity. He underscored that the international community must listen to the voice of the Kashmiri people. He hoped that Kashmiri brothers and sisters will soon see the dawn of freedom. He reiterated that the Pakistani Government and people stand firmly with their Kashmiri brothers and sisters and will continue to provide moral, political, and diplomatic support to them on every forum.

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