_Dr. Farooq Sattar Launches National Tree Plantation Campaign in North Karachi_

Dr. Farooq Sattar, leader of the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM), launched the National Tree Plantation Campaign in North Karachi, emphasizing the importance of tree plantation for the country’s ecosystem. He criticized the Mayor of Karachi for neglecting the city’s basic needs, despite collecting taxes of Rs. 4 trillion.
Karachi Aug. 04 (Independent Report )
Dr. Sattar stated that humans have used natural resources recklessly, leading to a decrease in the world’s natural resources. He emphasized the need for tree plantation to sustain the country’s ecosystem and criticized the Mayor of Karachi for only focusing on affluent areas.

He highlighted the MQM’s efforts to plant millions of trees across the country and encouraged the use of technology to promote development. Dr. Sattar also stressed the importance of conserving water and natural resources, and using them judiciously.

He concluded by saying that our ancestors built this country with their courage and determination, and now it’s our generation’s responsibility to protect it.

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