Balochistan High Court Directs Petitioner to Address Grievances in Land Ownership Case

Quetta, July 28, 2024 (press release )

A two-member bench of the Balochistan High Court, comprising Justice Muhammad Kamran Khan Mullahkhel and Justice Iqbal Ahmed Kasi, heard the constitutional petition filed by Naheed Khan against the Deputy Commissioner of Quetta and others.

The petition relates to pending cases of land ownership in a housing scheme, where some individuals have made payments but not received possession or ownership certificates. During the hearing, the counsel for the petitioner, Behlol Khan Kasi, submitted a report listing 12 individuals who have made payments above 60%.

However, some individuals present in court claimed they had already made 100% payments but had not received possession or ownership certificates. The counsel for the petitioner assured the court that all individuals who had made payments above 60% would be adjusted according to the court’s directives.

The boundary demarcation process was still incomplete, and the Additional Attorney General sought time to inquire about the pending demarcation process from the relevant revenue authorities. The petitioner’s counsel further stated that cases of individuals with payments below 60% were also under consideration.

The court directed the petitioner’s counsel to ensure that Mr. Shark accompanied him to meet with all individuals present in court to address their grievances. A copy of the order was sent to the petitioner’s counsel and the Additional Advocate General for information and compliance.

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