Student killed by thieves in Shahdadkot, relatives staged protest


LARKANA : Amanullah Brohi, A 25-years student preparing for the CSS exam, was shot dead by unknown armed men in Shahdad Kot yesterday after he resisted while robbing his mobile phone. The section took place in the railway station area of ​​the police station, for which it was reported that the deceased youth was standing in front of his house when three armed men on a motorcycle tried to rob the youth of his mobile phone and money, who was shot when he resisted. He was killed, on the information, the police reached there and took the body to the hospital, where after the necessary procedures, the body was handed over to the relatives. When the family members staged a dharna at the city’s famous Koto Moto Chowk against the non-arrest of the criminals involved in the murder of the young man, leaders of political and social organizations also participated in the dharna along with the family members. And declaring it as terrorism, he said that the young man was shot dead just because he resisted robbing him of his mobile phone, and no police officer came to this country and gave any warning, nor did the police against the criminals. They have taken some action and demanded from Inspector General Police Sindh and DIG Police Range Larkana to arrest the killers of the deceased youth and do justice with the blood of the deceased and also to make possible the safety of the people of Qamber Shahdadkot district. In this case, the scope of the protest will be increased.

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