Politicians and bureaucrats equally responsible for deterioration of governance in Balochistan: CM

Independent Report

QUETTA: The Chief Minister Balochistan, Mir Sarfraz Ahmed Bugti has categorically stated that the politicians and bureaucrats are equally responsible for deterioration of governance in the province.
He stressed that formulation of comprehensive strategy is necessary for bringing improvement in governance. We have formed a committee for bringing reforms in the province.
He said that there have always been coalition governments in Balochistan and these (coalition) governments happen to be compromised and the Chief Minister is blackmailed. He said that all of us have played our role in spoiling governance in the province.
Our resources are plundered and the budget allocated for development is subjected to corruption.
The Chief Minister expressed these views while addressing a seminar on “good governance, civil service reforms and public service delivery” organized by the Balochistan Civil Service (Executive Branch) Officers Welfare Association here at the Sikandar Jamali Auditorium, Civil Secretariat on Thursday.
The former Senator and scholar, Senator (Retd) Mushahid Hussain Syed, Chief Secretary, Shakeel Qadir Khan, administrative secretaries of the government departments, other senior officers participated in the seminar.
Addressing the seminar, Chief Minister insisted that we have been facing the challenges of law and order, governance and climate change.
He said that he witnessed lack of governance in the province after assuming the office of Chief Minister.
He said that we should not overlook the reality. He said that the success story is to deliver better with the lesser resources.
He pointed out that Rs. 80 billion are allocated for health sector in the budget, and treatment of every person of the province can be done in the most expensive private hospital in this budget.
The Chief Minister regretfully pointed out that our non-development expenditures are increasing with every passing day, and we wouldn’t have money for payment of salaries to the employees after five years, until any miracle happens.
He also said that the province can’t be developed with Rs. 200 billion. Our resources are embezzled even, he added.
Mushahid Hussain Syed and others also addressed the seminar and spoke at length on the topic.

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