Participation of common men be ensured in development of society:

Independent Report

QUETTA: The Governor Balochistan, Sheikh Jaffar Khan Mandokhail has stated that the time has come to ensure participation of common men in development and construction of the society.
The Governor said that being representatives of people, they have noble cause to serve them.
He said that it becomes national duty of local government’s representatives to serve the masses of their respective areas, empower and develop them.
For this, it is necessary to listen to the voiceless and become their advocate for their basic needs.
The Governor was speaking to the delegation of elected local government’s representatives who called on him under leadership of District Chairman Zhob, Muhammad Khan Kibzai in Zhob on Wednesday.
The Governor urged the public representatives to educate the communities for participation in process of decision making and get them involved in social activities.
He said that our combined bright future can be saved by increasing public rights and powers.
He also exhorted them to maintain responsibility, transparency, answerability and moral standards while representing the people.

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