IGP Sindh Chairs Meeting to Upgrade Police Hospitals and Dispensaries

Independent Report.
Karachi, July 18: A meeting was held at the Central Police Office Karachi to discuss the upgradation and improvement of facilities in Sindh police hospitals and dispensaries. The meeting was chaired by IGP Sindh Ghulam Nabi Memon and attended by senior police officers, including CPLC Chief, Additional IG Welfare, DIGs, and MS Police Hospital Karachi.

The meeting reviewed the current state of medical facilities and medicines available in police hospitals in Karachi and Hyderabad. It was noted that Karachi Police Hospital treats over 600 patients daily, while Hyderabad Police Hospital treats over 250 patients daily.

The meeting discussed ways to improve OPD facilities in police hospitals, including the appointment of experienced doctors, diagnostic facilities, and standard medicines. IGP Sindh directed the concerned officers to take immediate steps to upgrade the facilities and ensure the availability of necessary medicines.

The meeting was also attended by DIG Hyderabad and SSP Sukkur via video link. The IGP Sindh emphasized the importance of providing better medical facilities to police personnel and their families. He directed the officers to work diligently to achieve this goal.

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