CM, Commander 12 Corps high ups review security arrangements for Ashura in CPO Quetta


Independent Report

QUETTA: The Chief Minister Balochistan, Mir Sarfraz Ahmed Bugti visited the Central Police Office Quetta to review the security arrangements made for Ashura-e-Muharram procession in the province including Quetta on Wednesday.
During the visit, the Commander 12 Corps, Lt. General Rahat Naseem, Provincial Minister for Home and Tribal Affairs, Mir Ziaullah Langove, Chief Secretary Balochistan, Shakeel Qadir Khan, Inspector General of Police, Inspector General of Frontier Corps, and other concerned high ups were also present.
During the briefing, the Chief Minister was informed by the concerned high ups about the security arrangements made for the processions of Ashura in Quetta.
It was informed that the central procession of Ashura is being monitored through the CCTV cameras. In addition to this, the aerial surveillance is also being conducted through the drone cameras.
Moreover, the Chief Minister was also briefed about the security situation of the processions in other districts of the province.
Mir Sarfraz Ahmed Bugti expressed satisfaction over the arrangements made for the Ashura-e-Muharram in Quetta and other parts of the province.

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