Director (Hajj) Madinah Chairs Meeting on Future Planning for Hajj 2025

Date: July 14, 2024


Madinah, Saudi Arabia – In a significant step towards ensuring a smooth and comfortable pilgrimage for Pakistani pilgrims, Director Hajj Madinah, Zia ur Rehman, chaired a high-level meeting focused on future planning for Hajj 2025. The meeting, held today, brought together key officials from the Ministry of Religious Affairs, including Mushahid Hussain Syed, Director General (R&R), Nasir Aziz Khan, Deputy Secretary, Azar Iqbal Hashmi, Deputy Secretary, Hakeem Khan Khattak, Deputy Director and Jamil Ur Rehman, Assistant Director.


The primary agenda of the meeting was to devise strategies to enhance the facilities and services provided to Pakistani pilgrims during the upcoming Hajj. The importance of proactive planning and coordination to ensure that all pilgrims have a comfortable and spiritually fulfilling experience.


During the meeting, several crucial points were raised, including: Improvement of Accommodation,Transportation Arrangements,Healthcare Services, Training programs Guidance and Support through digitalization.


Mushahid Hussain Syed highlighted the ministry’s commitment to leveraging technology for better management and service delivery.

In conclusion, Zia ur Rehman reiterated the Ministry of Religious Affairs’ dedication to ensuring that every Pakistani pilgrim receives full and comfortable services during Hajj 2025.

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