High-Level Meeting Held to Discuss Law and Order Situation

Independent Report.
Quetta, July 13: A high-level meeting was held in Quetta today to discuss the law and order situation in the province. The meeting was chaired by the Provincial Interior Minister, Mir Ziaullah Lango, and attended by provincial ministers, the IG Police, the Commissioner of Quetta, and other senior officials.

The meeting was briefed on the recent violent protests in Quetta, in which protesters damaged government property, CCTV cameras, and police vehicles. The IG Police and Commissioner Quetta briefed the meeting on the steps taken to maintain law and order in the province.

The meeting agreed that the use of force by protesters was unacceptable and that dialogue and negotiations were the best way to resolve issues. The meeting also agreed that the government was open to talks with the protesters and that all doors for negotiations were open.

The meeting condemned the attack on the security forces’ vehicle in Quetta and expressed concern over the presence of masked men among the protesters.

Provincial Interior Minister Mir Ziaullah Lango said that the government was serious about maintaining law and order and that the doors for dialogue were always open. He also said that the government would not allow anyone to take the law into their own hands.

Provincial ministers Mir Shuib Nosherwani and Baktiar Kakar also addressed the meeting, emphasizing the need for dialogue and negotiations to resolve issues.

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