Abid Hussain Abid, has lauded Vice Chancellor Dr. Zakir Zakria of the University of Poonch

Rawalakot ()
Former Information Minister and senior leader of the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) of Azad Kashmir, Abid Hussain Abid, has lauded Vice Chancellor Dr. Zakir Zakria of the University of Poonch for his tireless efforts in reviving stalled and suspended projects in Poonch district. He extended his heartfelt congratulations and commendations to the VC, recognizing the promotion of education as a truly commendable initiative. He said that Dr. Zakir’s personal dedication has secured an impressive 6 billion rupees, enabling the restart of the main campus project at Chhota Galla, the construction of new girls’ hostels, and a significant increase in student enrollment in line with the university’s standards. These accomplishments are indeed noteworthy and deserving of praise. Furhter, he said that the Vice Chancellor’s outstanding efforts have not gone unnoticed. Abid Hussain Abid remarked that the people of Poonch highly appreciate the VC’s contributions and expect that he will continue to play a pivotal role in transforming the university into a premier institution of higher education . He have faith that under his leadership, the university will produce future leaders across various disciplines and realize the vision of establishing a world-class institution dedicated to the exemplary upbringing of future generations. Moreover, he said that the Vice Chancellor’s commitment to advancing education and his successful initiatives have set a remarkable example. The community looks forward to witnessing further achievements and the continued growth and excellence of the University of Poonch under his capable leadership.

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