“IG Islamabad Police, Syed Ali Nasser Rizvi, chaired a high-level meeting to discuss security arrangements for Muharram. A special security plan has been formulated to ensure the safety of processions and majalis. Over 16,000 police officers and Pakistan Rangers will be deployed to maintain security. Strict checking will be conducted at all entry and exit points of the city. CCTV cameras will be used to monitor processions and majalis. Armed police officers will be deployed on rooftops to ensure security. Police commandos and rapid response teams will be on standby to handle any emergency situation. Time restrictions will be strictly enforced for majalis and processions. All small and big roads and streets leading to the procession route will be closed. Special checking will be conducted before the procession starts, and the route will be cleared of any obstacles. Drone cameras will be used to record video footage of all majalis and processions. Participants will be thoroughly searched before entering the procession. Vehicles and motorcycles will not be allowed to enter the procession. Metal detectors will be used to check participants. Walk-through gates will be installed at all entry points. Special arrangements will be made for lighting in majalis and processions. Islamabad Police will fulfill its professional duties with full responsibility and enthusiasm during Muharram.”

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