The Malir Bar Association hosted a convention titled “Independence of the Judiciary and Rule of Law

Karachi(6 July 2024) The Malir Bar Association hosted a convention titled “Independence of the Judiciary and Rule of Law” at the new bar room in Malir Court. The event saw participation from prominent figures including PTI Sindh President Haleem Adil Sheikh, PTI Sindh Senior Vice President Justice (Retired) Noorul Haq Qureshi, Malir Bar Association President Advocate Nasir Raza Rind, ILF Karachi President Advocate Zahoor Mehsud, PTI Sindh Secretary Legal Affairs Advocate Muhammad Ashraf Samoon, and several senior lawyers from the Malir Bar and Insaf Lawyers Forum. Other notable attendees included PTI Sindh MPA Sarbuland Khan, PTI Secretary Information Muhammad Ali Baloch, and Additional Information Secretary Sam Khan.

Following the convention, a protest rally led by PTI Sindh President Haleem Adil Sheikh was held from Malir Court to Malir City, demanding the release of Imran Khan. A large number of lawyers participated, holding banners and placards, and chanting slogans for Khan’s release.

In his address to the lawyers’ convention, PTI Sindh President Haleem Adil Sheikh stated that those from whom they sought freedom are themselves imprisoned. He asserted that once the judiciary is free, Imran Khan will be free. Sheikh criticized the disregard for letters written by six judges protesting interference in the judiciary, noting that a decision was forcibly sought from a Gujranwala judge, who resisted and also wrote a letter of protest.

Sheikh remarked that the current situation is different from the era of Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry; now, both lawyers and the public are awake. He said that past injustices by judges will be remembered as deception. Highlighting the issue of judicial independence, he warned that if case decisions are influenced externally, clients will not pay lawyers but will instead seek decisions from those influences. He cautioned lawyers about the dangers of judges making decisions under pressure.

Sheikh emphasized that Imran Khan is in jail for the nation’s interests, while a 75-year-old cancer patient, Yasmin Rashid, and women like Sanam Javed and Alia Hamza are imprisoned on false charges. He criticized the lack of media freedom, stating that the media is also controlled.

Sheikh declared that Imran Khan, a great leader, is in jail on false charges, and every day in jail elevates his stature. He lamented the suspension of constitutional freedoms, citing an instance where the High Court permitted a rally, but a deputy commissioner canceled it. He criticized the deputy commissioner’s defiance of the High Court’s orders as a blatant violation of the rule of law.

Sheikh urged the nation to rally when Imran Khan calls, predicting that corrupt rulers would find no place to hide. He emphasized that the nation, which sacrificed lives to create the country, would not allow it to be bartered away. He pointed out the judicial system’s flaws, with frequent unjust decisions based on personal needs. He noted that Bhutto’s execution was recently deemed a murder after many years, stressing that in the age of social media, lawyers would hold those who disgrace the judiciary accountable.

Sheikh criticized the illegal arrest of Imran Riaz while in a state of ihram and the abduction of leaders like Azhar Mashwani, Shehryar Bukhari and Shehbaz Gill’s brother. He condemned the lack of compliance with judicial orders and the removal of judges who make correct decisions.

Sheikh condemned the fake mandate of those sitting in assemblies with forged Form 47, while PTI’s elected members are excluded, and PTI’s activities are consistently hindered with false FIRs. He asserted that they are not afraid of jails, as their leader is in jail for the nation’s sake, having refused a deal and enduring hardships for the people. Sheikh warned that they might go on a hunger strike if pushed further, as the country’s situation is deteriorating.

Sheikh condemned the inflation brought by illegitimate rulers, stating that everything has become expensive, including electricity, gas, and petrol, making it difficult for people to afford two meals a day. He stressed that the economy is collapsing, businesses are ruined, but the rulers are indifferent. He concluded that Imran Khan’s freedom and the return of the stolen mandate are crucial for the country’s stability.

Speaking at the lawyers’ convention, PTI Sindh’s Secretary of Legal Affairs, Advocate Muhammad Ashraf Samoon, remarked that the country’s situation has deteriorated significantly, with even Pakistan’s judges seeking justice. He noted that the Election Commission is unwilling to accept judicial decisions, and the Supreme Court remains silent on this matter. He highlighted that, according to Pakistan’s constitution, the people are the source of power, and Imran Khan is their leader, currently imprisoned for the nation’s sake. Over 200 false cases have been filed against Imran Khan, but these cannot prove him guilty. The entire nation witnesses this oppression, along with the legal community, which first raised the voice for judicial independence from the Malir Bar. Samoon emphasized that they are not sheep but understand the rule of law, and Imran Khan is the only leader at present.

Samoon questioned the justice of imprisoning a leader voted for by the people instead of making him the Prime Minister, while thieves who looted the country build properties in Dubai. Imran Khan spoke against the corrupt system and was jailed, whereas individuals like Shehbaz Sharif, who plundered the nation, were made Prime Minister. He stated that it is the duty of lawyers to speak the truth and stand against oppression, criticizing the division of the lawyer community under a conspiracy. Samoon called for the judiciary’s independence and an end to interference. He denounced the manipulation of election results, where candidates with less than 2,000 votes were made MNAs, and those with over 100,000 votes were defeated using fake Form 47. He rejected this corrupt assembly and Election Commission.

Justice (Retd.) Noorul Haq Qureshi, PTI’s Senior Vice President, emphasized that Imran Khan is the only leader who wants to elevate Pakistan and bring ease to its people. He highlighted a 74-year-old problem that needs addressing, stating that freedom should be in line with the constitution’s spirit. He asserted that true sovereignty belongs to Allah, and people choose their rulers. However, in Pakistan, the majority is turned into a minority through manipulation. Qureshi noted that PTI was given a substantial mandate by the people, but it was stolen through a conspiracy. He pointed out that the entire world questions the character of Justice Qazi Faez Isa, who now has to explain himself internationally because he intends to live abroad.

Qureshi condemned those who consider themselves the state’s patriarchs, using blackmail through personal recordings, arguing that such actions undermine the rule of law. He stated that fear and greed are used to manipulate the people, leading to 74 years of wrongful governance. He stressed that Pakistan was built on democratic traditions, which are now being trampled upon. He mentioned the alteration of Form 45 to change governance, a move questioned globally. Qureshi compared the situation to the imposition of the East India Company, asserting that if a million people march in Karachi, these rulers cannot face them. He praised Imran Khan and PTI leadership for dispelling the atmosphere of fear and greed, uniting the nation by addressing them as “my Pakistanis.” He concluded that their goal is to rebuild the country as one nation, criticizing the allocation of over 100 seats to a party with only 17 seats and the resultant government.

Addressing the lawyers’ convention, Advocate Nasir Raza Rind, President of the Malir Bar, remarked that the slogan for judicial independence and rule of law is not new. It is disheartening that the same slogan was raised in 2007. A vigorous movement was launched for the supremacy of law, which succeeded, forcing General Musharraf to resign and restoring the judiciary. Various tactics have been used to weaken our strength, creating small groups among lawyers. The supremacy of law and constitution will only be established when lawyers unite on one platform. Since 2007, all lawyers have been chanting the slogan of judicial independence. Regardless of the party, standing up for judicial independence is our collective duty. Unfortunately, our institutions of law and constitution are not ready to play their role, making decisions bypassing the law and constitution. We reject decisions that do not meet legal requirements. We want to send a message to the institutions that the people own this country, and the lawyers in black coats stand with the people. Wherever there is injustice, we will stand. Targeting PTI and tolerating the injustice against Imran Khan is unacceptable.

Advocate Zahoor Mehsud President ILF Karachi stated that Haleem Adil Sheikh stands by Imran Khan’s vision, and all of Sindh is united under his leadership. It is regrettable that now even judges are seeking justice. Eight judges from Islamabad High Court wrote a letter addressing judicial interference, which should be stopped. He warned of another impending storm in Pakistan, with public reservations about the Azm-e-Istahkam Pakistan operation. Eighty percent of people from tribal areas have already migrated, indicating the operation’s ineffectiveness. He condemned this operation and highlighted the nation’s sinking economy, widespread smuggling in Sindh and Balochistan, and Iranian petrol being sold openly in Karachi. Despite this, the entire nation’s money is handed over to the IMF in installments. He emphasized that only Imran Khan can save the country. Despite being innocent, Imran Khan is imprisoned. Even a sixty-year-old can get bail in a murder case, but Imran Khan is imprisoned on false charges. The nation demands his immediate release. He pointed out that India and Bangladesh have surpassed Pakistan in development, while our economy continues to decline daily.

Barrister Ali Tahir criticized the ongoing violations of the constitution and law. He stated that for the first time since Zia-ul-Haq, elections were conducted through bureaucracy. The Peshawar High Court restored PTI election symbol, only for it to be taken away again. Two tribunals were established in Karachi, but when they started hearing cases, they were transferred to Hyderabad. A judge in Punjab who took action was also removed. The manipulation of the February 8 elections is being protected. Let Qazi Isa’s tenure end, and see how history remembers him. The nation has faced injustices for seventy years.

Advocate Faisal Mughal remarked that the judiciary was not free in 2007, and questioned when it would finally be independent. Who is holding the judiciary captive, and does it repeatedly imprison itself? Will we still be asking the same question twenty years from now? A movement for judicial independence started twenty years ago. Is it the lawyers’ responsibility to free the judiciary? Even judges are now seeking justice; why aren’t they getting it? A Chief Justice who can’t provide justice to his judges cannot deliver justice to the public. Imran Khan has been imprisoned for a year without making any deals, facing false charges. He speaks for the public and the rule of law.

Advocate Khalid Mahmood highlighted the bizarre times we live in, where those who dispense justice are seeking it. There is no rule of law, only the rule of control. Judges also desire justice from this system. Are we to beg for justice and remain weak, watching like sheep and goats? There is no justice in the judiciary today, and the entire society is to blame. We want to raise this flage high, for if we continue to watch passively, future generations will be dishonored.

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