Comprehensive strategy prepared to maintain law & order during Muharramul Haram, says IGP

Independent Report

QUETTA: The Inspector General of Police Balochistan, Abdul Khaliq Sheikh has stated that a comprehensive strategy has been prepared to maintain law and order situation during the month of Muharramul Haram.
The IGP was presiding over a high level meeting regarding security during Muharramul Haram in the province, here on Thursday.
The meeting was attended by Commissioner Quettam Muhammad Hamza Shafqaat, senior police officers, representatives of the Balochistan Shia Conference, sunni ulemas, leaders of Anjuman Tajran besides other concerned.
During the meeting, matters about security and other related arrangements during Muharramul Haram were discussed.
It was decided that police, levies, Frontier Corps and personnel of other security agencies would be responsible for security while monitoring the arrangements during Muharram.
A comprehensive and joint strategy has been prepared by the police command along with other law enforcement agencies.
Addressing the meeting, IGP said that the security plan would be implemented in collaboration with organizers of Muharram processions and gatherings.
He directed to the concerned to ensure and improve the checking system at entry and exit points of Quetta city.

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