17,000 Pakistani Pilgrims Visit Riaz ul Jannah in Post-Hajj Operation

Madinah,  – 17,000 Pakistani pilgrims have visited Riaz ul Jannah in the post-Hajj period. The Ministry of religious affairs has initiated its post-Hajj operations in Madinah, prioritizing that every Pakistani pilgrim has the opportunity to visit this revered site within the Prophet’s (PBUH) Mosque.

To facilitate these visits, special permits have been arranged by the ministry in coordination with the Saudi government. This has enabled thousands of Pakistani male and female pilgrims to visit Riaz ul Jannah daily.

Director Madinah, Zia Ur Rehman, emphasized that ensuring every Pakistani pilgrim can visit Riaz ul Jannah is the ministry’s top priority during the post-Hajj period. The successful organization of these visits reflects the ministry’s commitment to serving the spiritual needs of Pakistani pilgrims.

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