Foolproof security to be provided to Majalis during Muharramul Haram, assures DC Quetta

Independent Report

QUETTA: The Deputy Commissioner Quetta, Lieutenant (Retd) Saad bin Asad has assured that the foolproof security would be provided to the Majalis during Muharramul Haram in Quetta.
He said that the personnels of Frontier Corps, Police, Levies and other law enforcement agencies would be deployed on the routes of Muharram processions.
The Deputy Commissioner Quetta was chairing meeting about preparations of Muharramul Haram and other arrangements here the other day.
The Assistant Commissioners and Magistrates of Quetta, officials of FC, Police, WASA, Public Health Engineering, QESCO, WASA, Municipal Corporation, PDMA, Irrigation, Health, PTCL besides the leaders of Anjuman Tajran and Shia Conference.
The preparations of Muharramul Haram were reviewed and certain important decisions made in the meeting.
The QESCO was directed not to observe electricity load shedding on 9th and 10th Muharramul Haram in Quetta.
Similarly, the sui gas supply would be ensured during these days, it was also decided further.
It was also decided to declare emergency in all small and big hospitals of Quetta city. The Health department officials were directed to ensure presence of the health staff at their duty places while cancelling their leaves.
Similarly, all the line departments were asked to establish control room in the DC and other concerned offices to respond to any emergent situation.

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