KP Halal Food Authority and Livestock Department’s Joint Operations Against Adulteration Mafia

The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Food Safety and Halal Food Authority, in collaboration with the Livestock Department, conducted joint operations in Peshawar, D.I. Khan, and Nowshera. During these operations, checkpoints were established at the Peshawar Motorway Toll Plaza and Bhakkar Bridge in D.I. Khan, resulting in the seizure of hundreds of liters of substandard milk and beverages. According to details released by the Food Authority spokesperson, the Food Safety teams, along with Livestock Department officials, conducted early morning checkpoints at the Peshawar Motorway Toll Plaza and Bhakkar Bridge, inspecting vehicles transporting food items, particularly milk tankers.

The spokesperson further stated that samples of milk, ice cream, and other food items were collected and examined using a mobile testing lab. In Peshawar, 650 liters of milk, and in D.I. Khan, over 400 liters of milk were found to be substandard and hazardous, leading to their dispose of.

Additionally, the Nowshera team, during a checkpoint on GT Road, seized over 2000 liters of fake and substandard branded cold drinks from a vehicle. Heavy fines were imposed on the owners for violating hygiene standards, and further action has been initiated under the Food Safety Act.

Director General Food Authority Wasif Saeed, while commending the successful operations, said that strict measures will be taken against those endangering the health of citizens, especially children.

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