Crackdown continues against power pilfering & defaulters of utility bills & arrears in Balochistan

Independent Report

QUETTA: The Quetta Electric Supply Company (QESCO) continued its campaign against the power pilfering and defaulters of the electricity utility bills and arrears all over the Balochistan province.
According to the spokesman of QESCO, the crackdown was done against the electricity pilferers and defaulters in the Quetta, Pishin, Loralari, Sibi, Khuzdar and Makran operation circles.
He said that the applications were submitted against nine persons accused in the power pilferage in different police stations of the province.
In all 86 domestic and commercial consumers were charged fine on doing their meters shunt and slow in different operation circles of the province during last 24 hours.
Around Rs. 1.7 million were collected on account of fine from the power pilferers on account of the detection and fine.
Besides, Rs. 13.6 million were also collected from some 697 defaulting consumers during last 24 hours, the QESCO spokesman mentioned adding that the campaign would remain continued in future as well

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