Governor Balochistan addresses seminar on Environment Day:

Independent Report

QUETTA: The Governor Balochistan, Sheikh Jaffar Khan Mandokhail has stated that protection of nature is actually our own protection, and as such we have to take concrete measures for environmental protection and biodiversity at the individual and collective level in the province and country.
The Governor was addressing the seminar in connection with the World Environment Day on theme: “Our land, our future” organized under the auspices of Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund and CPD here at the local hotel on Wednesday.
Those who participated in the event were included the environmental researchers as well as the representatives of PPAF, CPD, vice chancellors and people from different shades of life.
The Governor pointed out that the depleting underground water table and lack of rains are causing harm to the greenery as well as to the livestock and birds besides human life.
He said that he deems it necessary to tell the participants of seminar about the excellent performance of the Governor House about environmental protection.
He said that we have been taking special measures for protection and preservation of the thousands of trees, plants and birds in the Governor House for last 150 years.
He said that if only one tree is planted on behalf of 10 persons of a family then 300,000 to 400,000 saplings can be increased every year in Quetta district.
He stressed that we need to plant maximum tree for the sake of Green and Clean Balochistan.
He also said that it is our responsibility to plant trees besides looking after and protecting those already planted in the past.
The Governor said that the land of Balochistan is suitable for livestock and most population also depends on it for livelihood, but this vital sector has been affected badly due to the least raining and situation of drought in the past.
He urged the religious leaders, scholars, civil society and media persons to play their role for creating awareness among the general public about environmental protection.
In the end, Governor distributed commemorative shields among the environmental experts, speaker and organizers of the event.

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