Protest Rally Held Against the Brutal Murder of Journalist Khalil Jibran

Khyber (independent Correspendent/Aman Shinwari )
A protest rally was held from Jamrud Press Club to historic Bab-e-Khyber, demanding justice for the brutal murder of journalist Khalil Jibrani and protection for journalists. The rally was attended by journalists, political leaders, social workers, lawyers, traders, and people from different schools of thought. The protesters carried banners and placards with various slogans, demanding the government to conduct a judicial inquiry into Khalil Jibrani’s murder and arrest the perpetrators. They also demanded that the government provide security to journalists and ensure the education and healthcare of Khalil Jibrani’s children.

The speakers, including senior journalist Shahid Shinwari, Khyber Union of Journalists President Shams Mohmand, and Khyber Bar Association President Farhad Advocate, criticized the government’s failure to protect journalists and its inability to arrest the perpetrators of Khalil Jibrani’s murder. They announced that the protest movement would intensify from next Friday and would continue until the government meets their demands.

The protesters also demanded a Supreme Court inquiry into the incident and a compensation package of one crore rupees for Khalil Jibrani’s family. They vowed to continue the protest movement until the government ensures the safety of journalists and takes action against the perpetrators of violence against them.

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