Hujjaj (pilgrims) should make special prayers for the revival of the glorious past of Muslim Ummah on the Day of Arafah.

(Azhar Bakhtiar Khilji)
Lahore (PR): This was said by the acting Ameer of Tanzeem e Islami Azhar Bakhtiar Khilji in a statement. The acting Ameer noted that the Day of Arafah is one of infinite blessings for the Muslims worldwide. The Hujjaj remember Allah (SWT) and proclaim Allah’s (SWT) greatness, while seeking forgiveness for their sins and pleading for the mercy of Allah (SWT). The acting Ameer supplicated that may Allah (SWT) accept the Hajj of all Hujjaj, bestow on them the infinite blessing of the Day of Arafah and bless them with the best of rewards in this world and in the Hereafter. Aameen! The acting Ameer said that Muslims from all over the world gather in the Holy city of Makkah to perform the ritual of Hajj to gain the pleasure of Allah (SWT), without any discrimination on the basis of color, race, language or nationality. The truth is that the Muslim Ummah today urgently needs prayer as well as practical measures to revive our Iman and Deen. Over eight months have passed since the ongoing Israeli brutality in Gaza began, but the 57 Muslim countries are too afraid to raise their voices against incessant Zionist aggression and in support of Palestinian Muslims, let alone take any practical steps in this regard. Therefore, there is also a need, today, to practically elevate the Takbeer (Greatness) of Allah (SWT). The truth is that the fundamental reason for the humiliation and disgrace of Muslims today is that we have turned our backs on the commands of Allah (SWT) and His Messenger (SAAW), and nowhere in the world is the true Islamic system being implemented in toto. He concluded by emphasizing that the real message of the Day of Arafah is that Muslims ought to unite as a single Ummah and enforce the Deen of Allah (SWT) on the land of Allah (SWT), so that we may become eligible to receive the pleasure and help of Allah (SWT), give a thunderous response to the enemies of Islam, and so that we may become successful in this world and in the Hereafter.
Issued by:
Khursheed Anjum
Markazi Nazim Nashr o Ishaat
Tanzeem e Islami Pakistan

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