Sibi Police Foil Major Arms Smuggling Attempt: Weapons Worth Millions Seized

Sibi Police Thwart Major Arms Smuggling Attempt from Quetta to Interior Sindh

In a timely operation, Sibi Police, led by CIA In-charge Inspector Nawaz Jatak and SHO Saddar Allah Dinah, foiled a major arms smuggling attempt from Quetta to interior Sindh. Acting on a tip-off, the team intercepted a vehicle on the N-65 highway and discovered a hidden cache of weapons worth millions concealed in secret compartments and the air conditioner unit.

Two suspects were arrested during the operation: Qaisar Khan, son of Shehzada, from Peshawar District, and driver Iqbal Sajid, son of Murad Khan, from Kohat District. A case has been registered against them.

DIG Sibi Range, Parvez Imrani, accompanied by SSP Sibi Inayatullah Bangalzai, held a press briefing at the DIG office to provide details of the successful operation.

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