Gilgit-Baltistan Chief Secretary Emphasizes Development in Key Sectors for FY 2024-25

Gilgit,  – Under the chairmanship of Gilgit-Baltistan Chief Secretary Abrar Ahmed Mirza, a pivotal meeting was held to discuss new development schemes for the fiscal year 2024-25. The session, which saw participation from heads of various departments, focused on enhancing the development sector with a particular emphasis on tourism, agriculture, health, education, and other critical areas.

During the meeting, Chief Secretary Abrar Ahmed Mirza was briefed by relevant secretaries on the newly formulated development schemes for the upcoming fiscal year. He stressed the importance of regional development and instructed a special focus on the development sector. Highlighting the need for sustainable and robust strategies, the Chief Secretary underscored the significance of promoting tourism, advancing agriculture, and improving health and education sectors.

Chief Secretary Mirza declared that a new era of development has commenced in Gilgit-Baltistan, with integrated planning and implementation being prioritized. He urged for realistic timelines to ensure the progress of development projects, warning against schemes that face prolonged delays. Emphasis was placed on projects that directly benefit public welfare.

Furthermore, he stressed that the benefits of development projects must reach the public and announced the introduction of a stringent monitoring system to oversee the progress of all development schemes. This initiative aims to ensure effective implementation and tangible benefits for the community.

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