Above 90 percent target achieved; anti-polio campaign continues in six districts of Balochistan

Independent Report

QUETTA: Above 90 percent target of the special polio immunization campaign has been achieved in all 20 districts of Balochistan province.
According to the Emergency Operation Center (EOC) for Polio Eradication, the anti-polio campaign has been completed in 14 districts of the province. However, the campaign is still continued in six other districts where it was postponed due to the heatwave there last week.
The districts where the anti-polio campaign in progress are included: Dera Bugti, Sibi, Usta Muhammad, Jaffarabad, Sohbatpur and Naseerabad.
Earlier, the campaign was run in Quetta, Killa Abdullah, Chaman, Pishin, Killa Saifullah and other districts of the province.
Needless to mention here is that it was decided to run the anti-polio campaign in two phases. In 14 districts, the campaign was started on June 3 while in other remaining six districts, it was kicked off on June 8.
The EOC sources informed that it was targeted to vaccinate more than 1.8 million children below five years of age in 20 out of total 36 districts of the province.
For immunization, more than 10,000 teams had been formed in these 20 districts, the EOC sources added.

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