Our brave jawans rendering great sacrifices of lives for protection of motherland, says Bugti

Independent Report

QUETTA: The Chief Minister Balochistan, Mir Sarfraz Ahmed Bugti has strongly condemned the assault of terrorists on the security forces in Laki Marwat.
In an official condemnation statement issued here on Sunday, the Chief Minister expressed grief over the martyrdom of Captain Faraz, Sobaidar Major Nazar, Sepoy Manzoor, Asadullah and Lance Nike, HussainAli and Muhammad Anwar in the terrorists’ attack.
He said that our brave jawans have been rendering great services of their lives for protection of their motherland.
The Chief Minister said that we equally share grief with the bereaved families of the martyrs in the hour of grief.
He said that our martyrs are our pride and the nation can’t forget their sacrifices.
Mir Sarfraz Bugti said that the whole nation is standing with it’s brave armed forces.

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