Muqam urges lawyers to support movements work for constitution, democracy

PESHAWAR,  : Federal Minister for SAFRON, Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan Affairs Engineer Amir Muqam on Saturday urged lawyers to support movements aimed at upholding the constitution and democracy.

Addressing Mardan Bar Council at Alhamra Hall, Engineer Amir Muqam emphasized the pivotal role of the nation’s founding fathers, particularly acknowledging the vision of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah and his legal acumen.

Expressing concern, the Minister highlighted how some individuals are exploiting the nation’s resources for personal gains, urging for a collective effort to thwart such endeavors.

Amir Muqam while stressing on the importance of upholding the sanctity of institutions, called upon lawyers to support movements aimed at upholding the constitution and democracy and prosperity of people.

He reiterated the principle that judicial decisions should transcend personal preferences and biases, emphasizing the need for the judiciary to work impartially for the betterment of the nation.

He said that expectations were voiced for the judiciary to operate free from anger, focusing on delivering justice rather than succumbing to emotions.

Minister Muqam underscored the significance of making decisions based on merit rather than personal preferences, advocating for a united approach towards national development.

Reflecting on the tragic events of May 9th, the Minister condemned the desecration of martyrs and the damage inflicted upon national assets, calling for accountability and justice.

He emphasized the need for institutions to remain resilient against individual influences, asserting that weakening institutions only serves the interests of adversaries.

Addressing concerns regarding national security, the Minister highlighted the importance of strengthening the country’s defense against external threats.

He praised the resilience of the nation in the face of natural disasters, emphasizing the solidarity displayed during times of adversity.

The Minister credited the resilience of the nation in combatting terrorism to the collective efforts of the people and security forces.

Warning against the propagation of misinformation and divisive narratives on social media, the Minister labeled such actions as detrimental to national interests.

Concluding his address, the Minister emphasized that discussions regarding the constitution and laws should stem from sincerity and conviction rather than mere rhetoric.

He acknowledged the mandate given by the people to KP government, urging for collaboration and service-oriented governance.

On this occasion, Federal Minister Amir Muqam administered oath of newly elected cabinet of District Bar Association Mardan.

The oath taking also attended by President PML-N Mardan Advocate Inayat Shah Bacha, Ex MPA General Secretary PML-N Mardan Jamshed Momand, Mayor Mardan Himayatullah Mayaar, High Court Bar President and other senior Advocates attended the meeting.

The Federal Minister congratulated newly elected cabinet of District Bar Association and expressed hope that newly elected cabinet work for the welfare of lawyers community.

the cabinet office bearers were include President Noor Badshah Toru, Vice President Sajjad Ahmad, General Secretary Zahir Muhammad Advocate, Finance Secretary Javed Iqbal, Joint Secretary Hazrat Ibrahim Toru.

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