Interaction with teachers from 31 districts: Govt. determined to raise educational standard in Balochistan: Governor


Independent Report

QUETTA: The Governor Balochistan Sheikh Jaffar Khan Mandokhail has stated that the government is determined to raise educational standard and highlight the greatness of teachers in the province.
The Governor said that teachers’ respect can’t be limited to any religion, race and colour.
He was interacting with the teachers from 31 districts here at a ceremony held at the Governor House on Thursday.
The Governor said that teachers are held in high esteem in every civilized society.
He said that cheating is a curse in our society due to which, the respective degree also becomes meaningless.
He said that government is keeping a strict vigil on the education sector. The cheating can be prevented with completion of the course well in time, he added.
The Governor stressed the need to decorate the poor children of remote districts of the province.
He commended that the female teachers are performing their duties honestly despite lack of the necessary facilities.
He said that we would have to pay attention on proper upbringing and morals of the children along with their education.

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