Governor Balochistan exhorts civil officers to resolve public issues sans coming in any pressure

Independent Report

QUETTA: The Governor Balochistan, Sheikh Jaffar Khan Mandokhail has exhorted the civil officers to resolve the issues being faced by general public without coming any sort of pressure.
He stressed that it is the human and national duty of the officers to perform their duties remaining above all kinds of personal interests.
He said that the government officers basically are the public servants not their rulers and marked improvement can be brought about by utilizing their authorities and duties for the public interests.
The Governor was addressing the participants of Midcareer Management Course (MCMC) at the Governor House on Wednesday.
The ceremony was organized by the Balochistan Civil Service Academy on completion of the MCMC.
Also present on the occasion were the Chief Secretary, Shakeel Qadir Khan, Additional Chief Secretary Development, Hafiz Abdul Basit, Director General of Civil Service Academy, Dr. Abdul Hafeez Jamali, administrative secretaries of the provincial government departments, vice Chancellor of Balochistan University of IT, Engineering and Management Sciences, Dr. Khalid Hafeez, Provincial Ombudsman Nazar Baloch and Principal Secretary to Governor, Muhammad Hashim Ghilzai.
Addressing the participants of MCMC, Governor extended congratulations to the civil officers on completion of their training at the Civil Services Academy.
He said that the institutions and laws are formed for the public welfare, therefore, it is your duty to perform your duties honestly with dedication.
He said that heavy responsibilities rests with the government officers with regard to establish good governance and become voice of the voiceless people of the society.
He said that the culture of safarish and nepotism can be ended by ensuring self-accountability.
The Governor on the occasion paid rich tributes to all the officers on their invaluable services and spirit, as the constitutional head of the province.
Later, the Governor distributed shields and certificates among the participants of MCMC and its organizers.

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