NAB (B) aims to aware the youth about the negative impacts of corruption and the importance of ethical behavior

NAB (B) aims to aware the youth about the negative impacts of corruption and the importance of ethical behavior. NAB Balochistan seeks to inspire a corruption-free society by engaging the future leaders. DG NAB (Balochistan)
In compliance to the anti-corruption awareness campaign, NAB (Balochistan) invited the delegation of students from Govt Girls Post Graduate College Quetta Cantt to visit NAB (Balochistan) on 04th June 2024. During their visit, the students and faculty members were given a brief tour of different Wings /Cells of the Bureau. The students also witnessed the NAB’s Art Gallery wherein anti-corruption based art craft, pertaining to different posters and calligraphies competitions, were hanging on the walls. During their visit, the heads of respective wing/cell provided briefings on particular functions of their wing / cell and explained the methods of complaint filing, inquiry/investigation, and reference filing.
The Director General NAB Mr. Izhar Ahmed Awan and Additional Prosecutor General (APGA) Mr. Haider Ali Khan also interacted with the delegation of students and faculty members. DG NAB (B) emphasized upon the pivotal role of students they can play in eradicating corruption from society. He encouraged them to become ambassadors of integrity and transparency, promoting a culture of honesty and accountability in their communities. He underlined the importance of leveraging digital information to combat corruption. He encouraged the students to utilize the power of technology to expose corruption and bring positive change. Moreover, he stressed the significance of drawing assistance from the holy Quran, which provides us the guidance on how to live a virtuous life and resist corruption. He said by studying the Quran, we can find answers to the challenges posed by corruption and learn to uphold the values of truth, justice, and accountability. He urged the students to embrace these values and become beacons of hope for a corruption-free society.
Mr. Haider Ali Khan APGA NAB asserted on the role of females in development and prosperity of the country. Being future mothers they can teach their children about the curse of corruption and its negative impact on society. He requested the students to perform their part and nib corruption in the bud for a prospers and flourishing Pakistan

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