meeting regarding the anti-polio campaign, in 20 district of Balochistan.

Quetta. May 30(independent Report )

The Chief Secretary of Balochistan 5th, Shakeel Qadir Khan, chaired a meeting regarding the anti-polio campaign, which will begin on June 3rd in 20 districts of Balochistan. The campaign aims to vaccinate over 1.88 million children against polio. More than 7,000 teams will participate in the campaign. Three polio cases have been reported in Balochistan, and the environment in various districts of the province has been found to be contaminated with the poliovirus. All resources are being utilized to ensure the complete elimination of polio. The Chief Secretary emphasized the importance of the anti-polio campaign to prevent the spread of the virus and protect children. Security will be provided to all teams participating in the campaign, and it is essential to complete the vaccination course to safeguard children against polio and other dangerous diseases.

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