Nilm Festival 2024 Concludes with Great Success

Sharda, Kashmir – The three-day Nilm Festival 2024, held from May 24 to 26, has come to a close, leaving behind a trail of joy, cultural exchange, and economic activity. The festival, organized in collaboration with the Pakistan Army, Press Club Sharda, Tourism Department, Kashmir Bank, and private guesthouses, aimed to promote tourism and local culture in the region.

The festival featured a range of activities, including local product exhibitions, food stalls, music performances, debate and sports competitions for students, and a musical night that drew thousands of attendees, including tourists from across Pakistan.

The event provided a platform for local artists to showcase their talent and contributed significantly to the local economy. The festival’s success has raised hopes for future events that can further boost tourism and economic growth in the region.

*Thousands Attend Nilm Festival, Hail it as Best Tourism Initiative*

Attendees praised the festival as an excellent initiative to promote tourism and cultural exchange, saying it provided a much-needed boost to the local economy. The festival’s success has set a new benchmark for future events in the region.

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