Advisor to the Chief Minister of Balochistan for the Women Development Department, Dr. Rubaba Khan Buledi

Quetta,  : Advisor to the Chief Minister of Balochistan for the Women Development Department, Dr. Rubaba Khan Buledi, has announced that the provincial government has decided to economically empower women through e-commerce. She said that conditions for women to engage in business in Pakistan are changing, and several reforms introduced by the government have facilitated this process. Additionally, there is a growing awareness in society about this issue. She expressed these views while addressing the undergoing e-commerce training students of Government Girls College Jinnah Town Quetta.

Dr. Rubaba Khan Buledi emphasized the need to align commercial activities with modern demands, stating that equipping oneself with new and innovative methods of the present age is essential to establish a global presence. E-commerce is an ideal business for women and entrepreneurs, allowing women to earn a livelihood while maintaining their traditional modesty. She added that empowering women in every sector of life is necessary to ensure the country’s development and prosperity. Dr. Rubaba Buledi mentioned that under the leadership of Chief Minister Mir Sarfraz Bugti, the provincial government has a comprehensive vision for women’s development and economic stability, which, when implemented, will show significant improvement in the coming years

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