BA adopts condemnation resolution against torching trucks in Harnai; solarization of 11,000 tube wells

Independent Report

QUETTA: The Balochistan Assembly adopted a condemnation resolution against the incident of firing on several trucks and setting a blaze seven of them, here in its session on Thursday.
The Assembly also adopted a resolution demanding solarization of 11,000 unregistered agricultural tube wells in the province after their registration.
The Speaker, Captain (Retd) Abdul Khaliq Achakzai presided over the session.
The condemnation resolution against attacking the trucks in Harnai was tabled by the Provincial Minister, Noor Muhammad Dummar.
In his resolution, Mr. Dummar pointed out that the anti-state elements resorted to fire on several trucks on May 21 in Harnai area. They torched seven trucks, as a result one person died and several others got injured, the resolution mentioned.
It was demanded of the government to pay financial compensation to the deceased and injured of the incident.
Later, the resolution demanding solarization of 11,000 unregistered tube wells of the province after their registration was tabled by the member provincial assembly, Asghar Ali Tareen.
Similarly, another resolution was adopted in which it was demanded to include the construction of Zhob-Maikhtar road in the federal PSDP. The resolution was tabled by the MPA Dr. Nawaz Kibzai.
Meanwhile, the debate on results of the test conducted under Sardar Bahadur Khan Women University (SBKWU) for recruitment in Education department was deferred.
The debate was deferred because of absence of the Advocate General in the session. Besides, the amended draft ordinance of the Defence Housing Authority (DHA) was also deferred. MPA Dr. Abdul Malik Baloch demanded of the House to hand over the draft act to the concerned standing committee.
Speaking on the matter, Chief Minister Mir Sarfraz Bugti said that there is a verdict of Supreme Court regarding tests conducted under SBKWU, however, we want to take opinion of the Advocate General on it.
The Provincial Minister for Education, Ms. Rahila Hameed Durrani called for making early decision on the matter about tests of SBKWU for recruitments.
She said that a contempt of court notice has been served to the Vice Chancellor of SBKWU in this regard.
The Leader of Opposition Mir Younas Aziz Zehri also demanded decision on the tests conducted for recruitments in Education department.
During the course of session, the opposition staged token walk out in the provincial assembly.
Meanwhile, a motion was approved about names of the chairman of standing committees of the provincial assembly.
The Provincial Minister for Home, Mir Ziaullah Langove tabled the motion.

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