Spokesman Irrigation Dept. contradicts reports about corruption & irregularities in 100 dams Project

Independent Report

QUETTA: The spokesman, Irrigation Department has contradicted the report published in a section of press about the corruption and irregularities in the 100 dams project.
In an official press release issued here on Wednesday, the spokesman said that the report published in the media is not correct. The report published in the press was part of the 10-year audit report in which it was stated that there has been corruption and embezzlement in the 100 dams project at big scale.
Although the audit paras mentioned in the reports have already been settled, but these were made part of the report on the basis of misunderstanding among the departments, the spokesman stated.
He further stated that the officers and staff of Irrigation Department were engaged in serving the masses during the 2022 flood situation as a result of which, these paras could not be settled in DAC meeting and thus the issue couldn’t be resolved timely.

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